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I've been bitten by the resin bug this week. In particular, the marbling bug. When I'm marbling, I look for a mould with a large surface to show off the marbling at its best and I didn't have to look any further than my big chunky wedge ring with the lovely flat top - it was an obvious choice! But you can't just wear your ring straight after you've cast it. There's work to be done.... like trimming it to shape with a sharp knife. And then sanding it to a smooth finish.... always with water to catch the fine resin dust. A well trimmed ring won't need much sanding but there will still be resin powder in suspension so you have to keep rinsing off the white paste to prevent it from scratching the surface as you continue to sand. And you need to rinse off the sandpaper frequently too so the paper doesn't clog up. When it starts to look like this with the grit flaking off, it's time for a new piece of sandpaper. And the final step is the polishing. Marblin......
Personalised jewellery is all the rage at the moment and I know that many of you are eager to use resin to make your own but don't quite know where to start. If that sounds like you, then the topic of today's post is great news for you! Have you heard that there's a new ebook about resin jewellery making available from Amazon? And if you act quickly, you can get a copy for free! Resin Jewelry Making by Katherine Swift of Resin Obsession is a great resource if you're just starting out with resin. I know that resin seems scary and it has a reputation for being difficult to work with but with Katherine's guidance you'll feel like you're taking a one-on-one class. The Resin Jewelry Making ebook is an uncomplicated guide with simple, clearly written instructions. Along with Katherine's tried and true tips for getting great results, Resin Jewelry Making takes an in depth look at topics ranging from the basics of working with resin, how to choose the right r......
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