Most times when I measure out resin, I usually mix up a little more than my mould needs just in case I have a spill. But because I hate to waste resin, I usually pour whatever's leftover into something else, like a smaller mould or a small cup. After a few resin sessions, I end up with little pots of striped resin, like these. Pretty cool, huh? They're all sorts of colours I'd probably never put together but that's part of their charm! So now that they've cured, what can you do with them? Lately, I've been turning them into rings.  Depending on which way you slice the cups, you can have the stripes running in any direction you like - something that pouring into a ring mould doesn't allow you to do! It's quite a lengthy process but the end results are totally worth it! But before getting underway, I need to stress that this is not a Beginner's project ! Safety First Before getting into the project, I'd like to talk about safety. Just as when you......