Filigree Stamped Friendly Plastic

Today I thought I'd share just a little taste of what I've been working on this week - can't show you the whole card as I'm still perfecting the background technique but I can share the Friendly Plastic tile on the card front. My original plan was to use it as a pendant but it worked really well on this card - so the jewellery piece will have to wait.

Reading back over my last couple of Friendly Plastic Tile posts, I decided it was silly to hoard my Mother of Pearl sticks, even if I only have a limited supply of it. After all, what's it good for if I don't use it?!! So the base of this piece is MOP and it looks so pretty.

Look how well Friendly Plastic takes texture! After heating the Friendly Plastic, I've stamped into the surface using a deeply etched stamp and then painted it with alcohol inks. I'll have to try this with some of my texture mats too but it should work just as well as stamps.... but that's an experiment for another day!

The lovely soft pink was created by combining Adirondack Cranberry with Gold Mixative. I love the hint of gold the Mixative adds and whilst the photo hasn't picked it up, it is a lovely contrast to the delicate pinks and greens of the MOP.

Now, back to the kitchen to create that piece of jewellery whilst I still have a little MOP in my stash!

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