Friendly Plastic Demos

My blogging has been a little bit sparse over the last month as I've been preparing for the Scrapbook Expo this coming weekend at the Convention Centre in Brisbane. If you'd like to see what I've been up to, then stop by the Stamp Antics to catch a demo.

I know many of you are unfamiliar with Friendly Plastic as it had all but disappeared from the crafting scene until very recently but it is now making a resurgence with some very talented designers discovering all sorts of new ways to use this very versatile product.

You can incorporate Friendly Plastic into your scrapbook pages, cards, off-the-page projects and, my personal favourite, jewellery making!
Magenta Ribbons (à la Jana Ewy)

You'll be able to check out my Friendly Plastic pens in person at the stand too (PLUG: Book into the Friendly Plastic Pen class for the weekend following the show if you want to learn my how-to secrets!).


And whilst you'll be able to see me demonstrating several techniques on the Stamp Antics stand throughout the weekend, there is nothing quite like learning the finer points in a hands-on classroom situation where you can ask questions and get help as you go along. There are still a couple of places available in my Sunday card making workshop for anyone interested in the hands-on approach. Today is the last day for online bookings so if you're interested you'll need to be quick..... or, you can still book into the class on the day at the Show.

Hope to see you there!

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