Rainbow Heart

Whilst sorting through more boxes in the studio this week (I don't think I will ever get to the end of them!), I found some small Friendly Plastic hearts which match the larger heart in the Egyptian Lily necklace I posted last week.

At first I was thinking along the lines of making them into a matching bracelet or earrings but I decided to use a different colour scheme and go in a totally different direction. I teamed them with some gorgeous multi-coloured beads which have been sitting in my stash just waiting for the right project to come along. These beads seem to have every colour of the rainbow in them and a lovely metallic sheen too.
To attach the hearts to the chain I laid them face down on a heatproof surface and used a heat gun to soften the back. I placed an eye pin in the softened plastic and then tried as best I could to line up the second heart on top. Once they cooled, I turned a matching loop on the other side of the heart and then just connected them to small lengths of chain. Then I threaded the beads on headpins and looped these onto the chain also. A toggle clasp makes it easy to put on and take off.

I love the way this little bracelets swings and jingles against the wrist.....the beads give it lots of movement and it makes such a lovely little swishing sound as they move.

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