Elegant Birdies

I've been having so much fun in the studio this week playing with my latest find. My LSS is stocking the most fabulous range of mirrored acrylic shapes from Kutalicious, a brand new local manufacturer. The birds and birdcages in the range are so appealing and being reflective, they're eye catching too!

In my last post I told you about how magpie-like I am - always attracted to bright shiny things so you can imagine what I was like when I first saw these. I just had to have them! Oh what joy in the studio this week!

What do you think of them? Aren't they gorgeous? My photos don't do them justice (it's hard photographing reflective surfaces). But if you click on the images for a larger view you can see them in a much better light.
There are also black birdcages available which are my No. 1 pick from the range.

I can't share images of the pieces I've made with them just yet as they've been submitted for consideration for publication. And I can't share a weblink to Kutalicious because this manufacturer is so new that they don't have a website up and running yet but I really wanted to give them a plug so as soon as get a link, I will post it.

But in the meantime, here's a peak at a piece which didn't make the cut when I was selecting which pieces I'd submit.
I just love the way the mirrored surface of the bird is reflecting other elements of the card.

These are just the most exciting find I've made in ages and it has been a delight to work with this product. Good on you Kutalicious..... I wish you every success!

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