Dotty, Lumpy, Spotty and Knobby

Or maybe you just call them polka dot! Got any idea what I'm talking about? No? Then read on........

I had a brilliant idea last night. Actually it came to me many months ago but it wasn't until last night that I could see how my idea might work. I've wanted to do this for such a long time but wasn't sure the idea would translate very well into Friendly Plastic and last night was the night I decided to test it out.

By now you must be thinking that I've come up with the most clever Friendly Plastic idea ever, but that couldn't be further from the truth. You see, I'm talking about Bumpy Beads, just like those colourful glass beads that glass artists make. But, as with many of the Friendly Plastic beads I make, they are not meant to mimic the real thing, I've just borrowed a style and translated it into Friendly Plastic.What a bunch of fun beads! And I've really enjoyed making them up into a these cool bracelets.
Vibrant pink and BlackDelicate PinksDramatic Black
Soft Green and Blue

I'm thinking that this could go in a lot of different directions and I'll try to combine some other ideas with the spots in future bead making sessions so look out for those in the coming weeks. I'm also thinking this might mean making bigger beads so that I can incorporate different design elements on the one bead.

Hope you've enjoyed today's eye candy.

'Til next time.....

If you can't get enough of My Tutorials and you want even more inspiration, click here to find my books and printable pdfs

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