Framed Christmas Tree Earrings - Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 1

Welcome to my 12 days of Christmas Earrings Extravaganza for 2012. I hope you'll check back often to see what I've come up with.

The first pair is a glowing red Christmas tree bead framed with a diamond cut silver ring.

Red Christmas tree suspended inside a silver hoop with a dangling green marguerite bead below it.

For this project you'll need:
Thread the marguerite on a length of wire so that one end is twice as long as the other. Bend the wire where it exits the bead so that it forms a triangle shape. Using the flat nose pliers, bend the longer wire vertically where the wires cross to form a neck.

Wrap the shorter wire around the neck twice and trim it flush with the neck.
Wire tail  has been wrapped around the neck of the wire twice on the marguerite component.

Using round nose pliers, form a loop about 2-3mm above the first part of the wrap. Hook it onto the silver ring.

Wrap the wire around the neck until it meets the first part of the wrap. Trim away the excess wire.

Thread the Christmas Tree bead on a head pin. Leave a small neck and create a loop. Hook it onto the silver ring and complete another wrapped loop.

Use a jump ring to connect this loop to the earring wire and make another earring to match.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.  Check back in a couple of days for another pair of Christmas earrings.

'Til next time.....

If you can't get enough of My Tutorials and you want even more inspiration, click here to find my books and printable pdfs

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