Fabulous Leather - It's One Step Closer to a Book

Well, the day has come.... today is the deadline for my book manuscript to be handed into my editor. 

I'm not sure whether I'm feeling a sense of relief or satisfaction now that I've managed to compile all the projects and text into a cohesive manuscript AND hand it in on time. It feels a bit like I'm back at school and I've just handed in a major assignment and now I'm awaiting my paper to be graded. It's quite a strange feeling!

My editor will be trying to find my "author's voice" and get my personality to come across during the editing process. What will she think of my writing style? Will she like my upbeat, "you can do it" style. How much editing will be required and how many revisions will I have to make? All questions that I will find out the answer to in the next couple of weeks. 

But for tonight, I am enjoying the sense of accomplishment and taking the evening off.

Because tomorrow, I start on the next BIG project!


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