Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 11: Ornate Black and Gold Trees

Black and Gold Christmas Tree earrings

It's only a couple of days until Christmas so on Day 11 of the Twelve Days of Christmas I've started to look ahead to New Year's Eve. The classy Ornate Black and Gold Tree earrings will look wonderful for Christmas Day. But they can also do double duty for your New Year's Eve celebrations. The striking black and gold colour combination lends an air of elegance and sophistication to these earrings making them the perfect jewellery for seeing in the New Year.
Black and gold Christmas Tree earrings made of black chain and gold findings.
Ornate Black and Gold Trees - finished length: 7.6cm (3")
Here's what you'll need to make the Ornate Black and Gold Tree earrings:
Tools: round nose pliers, chain nose pliers, flat nose pliers, split ring pliers, flush cutters
Black and gold jewellery findings needed for making stylised Christmas Tree earrings

 String a gold teardrop on a head pin and turn a 90° angle.
Bend the head pin at a 90° angle with flat nose pliers

Trim the head pin to 1cm (3/8").
Trim the head pin to 1cm (3/8") and turn a simple loop with flush cutters.

Turn a simple loop.
Turning a simple loop with round nose pliers

Open the loop and attach it to the single loop on the end connector.
Attaching the gold teardrop bead to the bottom of the gold connector with chain nose pliers.

Use the split ring pliers to remove the split ring from the black bow charm. Set this aside for another project.
Using split ring pliers to remove the black jump ring from the bow connector.

Create a chain of 5 jump rings and attach one end to the loop of the bow charm.
Attaching black jump rings together with chain nose pliers to form a chain.

Separate the chain into two equal halves. Set one aside for the second earring. Separate the other into two equal lengths. Attach one to each of the outermost holes of the end connector with a jump ring.
Hooking a black jump ring through the outside loop of the gold connector.

Open a jump ring and hook on the last link of the chain. Hook on the end jump ring of the bow charm.
Connecting the last link of the length of chain to the jump ring.

Hook on the last link of the other chain, making sure that there are no twists in the chain.
Hooking the lengths of chain onto the jump ring.

Before closing the jump ring, attach the star.
Connecting the star to the Christmas tree

Open a jump ring and hook on the gold star charm. Hook this through the top link of the chain of jump rings.
Attaching the gold star charm dangle.

Open another jump ring and connect the top of the star with the earring wire. Use the remaining components to make a matching earring.
Attaching the earring wire to the earring component.

These earrings are certain to glam up your outfit - what a dramatic and stylish way to start the New Year!

There is just one more pair in the Twelve Days of Christmas Earrings Extravaganza for 2015. Don't forget to check back to find out what I come up with.

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Black and Gold Christmas tree earrings inspiration sheet
'Til next time.....

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