Counting down the sleeps

Well, it's just 9 sleeps until the Stamp Antics Retreat and kit preparation is in full swing. I've been burning the midnight oil for the last few nights making sure I've prepared all the handmade components ready for Jenny and the girls to pack into the workshop kits: the eggs have been moulded, the metal shim has been alcohol-inked and the the Dymo labeller has been working overtime punching out word strips. My poor little fingers are feeling the effects of rotating the dial backwards and forwards!

I can't wait to share the project with you........ but, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I did.

What's that I hear? You want to see? You can't wait until Camp to find out what we're doing?

Well OK...... you've twisted my arm. But it's only a teaser to whet your appetite for more! This little guy sits in the corner of the project protecting his nest. And as you can see, we'll be working with two of my favourite things: Lumiere Paints and a Krylon Gold Leafing Pen.

OK, that's enough of a sneak peek.... no more looking or you'll spoil the surprise! But I promise, you won't be disappointed.

Be warned though - this project is full on and I will be cracking the whip to keep you on track.

Nah, not really. If you've done any of my workshops before you'll know I'm not like that at all. You'll work at your own pace and if you fall behind I'll be there to help you along. Or, there are always the instructions to fall back on.

So, just 9 sleeps to go. I'm counting down the days.......

'Til next time.....

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