BICAC Friendly Plastic Workshop

Today I'm sending out a big wave to the lovely group of artists from Bribie Island Community Arts Centre who joined me on the weekend to learn the basics of working with Friendly Plastic. They are a very diverse group of artists ranging from those whose surface of choice is paper right through to those who prefer canvas. So this was a real step away from the surfaces and mediums they are accustomed to using.

After a short introduction and demonstration of the Fracture and Fusion technique, the ladies were keen to get started and everyone got the hang of cutting and fusing very quickly. There were some really unique ideas amongst the group about what they would do (just as you would expect with artists) and I wish I had taken photos of all the finished pieces but this is the only photo I managed to snap.

Some of the colour combinations they came up with were really unexpected like Indian Red/Pearl Mint/Burnt Orange - a beautiful autumn combination which looked fabulous in a gold bezel. And then there was Citron/Stormy Blue/Red/Black - colours that are really in your face but somehow they worked so well together. Now I'm inspired to work with these combinations myself.

These ladies were not afraid to try something different and we had diagonal stripes, inlaid strips, 3D inlays and also foiled transparency overlays to add some more dimension - everyone had their own take on the technique and each piece was truly individual.

It was lovely working with you all and enjoying the wonderful facilities you have at the centre..... I'm looking forward to coming to visit again!

Until next time.... keep crafting!

If you can't get enough of My Tutorials and you want even more inspiration, click here to find my books and printable pdfs

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