Halloween in a bottle

Whilst our friends in the northern hemisphere gear up to celebrate Halloween this weekend, it's a very low key affair here in Australia with just a few youngsters canvassing the neighbourhood hoping to bag a swag of candy and other sweet treats. For a child, Halloween offers one of the sweetest joys of childhood..... lollies!

Each year, we have a few more knocks on the door than we did the year before. There's no denying that Halloween is slowly gaining in popularity in Australia, especially with the younger generation.

And in a conversation with a fellow resin enthusiast last week (who also happens to work with latex masks) she was telling me how excited she was about receiving her invitation to the local special FX industry's Halloween bash.

My local costume shop had cars parked up and down the street tonight. With late night trading, they seemed to be doing a roaring trade with people gearing up for parties across Brisbane, so it just goes to show that there will always be pockets in the community who will mark the day in their own way. But will Halloween ever enjoy the popularity that it does in the US? Well, only time will tell.

For those of you in the northern hemisphere (and where similar celebrations are held around the world) I hope you enjoy your celebrations. And here's my offering for the occasion............a Halloween bottle in a wonderful shade of pumpkin.

Perhaps it contains a magical witch's potion, or maybe if you rub it a genie will appear! Only the wearer will find out what mystical properties it might bestow upon them. If you'd like to make it yours, pop on over to my etsy shop, mhdesign.

Or if you'd like to learn how I make these little beauties, book into the upcoming jewellery workshop at Stamp Antics in Brisbane - November 13 at 10.00am.

Stay tuned for my next post as ladies all across Australia don their finest hats for the Melbourne Cup!

'Til next time.....

If you can't get enough of My Tutorials and you want even more inspiration, click here to find my books and printable pdfs

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