Bead Shopping with a friend.... it can be dangerous on your wallet

I had the great delight of corrupting one of my paper crafting friends yesterday..... I took her bead shopping! And what better introduction can you have than to go wholesale shopping in a bead showroom?

You should have seen her face when we walked into the room. To say she was completely overwhelmed would be an understatement but it didn't take long for the "I don't know where to start" expression to fade from her face and you could see the excitement begin to grow as she realised how much fun this was going to be.
 It wasn't long before she was adding a strand of this and a strand of that to her basket...... she says I was a terrible influence on her!!

That may well be true. But she was a way worse influence on me......... I spent double my allocated budget for this event!!

It was more than 2 hours before we emerged from this beady wonderland, and we had a ball. After all, what girl doesn't like a good shop?

'Til next time.....

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